Today, Xiaomi at CES 2017 announced some great products carrying forward the innovation and the strategy to get the consumers again fall in love with their products. The Keynote started with Mr. Xiang Wang addressing the media persons about the various Motto’s of the company like “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen” which surely came true When they announced the new products.
Hugo Barra, The Global VP of Xiaomi announced 3 New products at the global level.
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Xiaomi Mi Mix
A few months back Xiaomi had announced their stunning concept phone, Mi Mix which came with 6.4-inch Bezel-less display and a fully ceramic body including buttons, A piezo-electric Earpiece which delivers the sound to the receiver through Vibrations of the Mechanism, A back camera glass made of Sapphire. It is a beautiful phone which comes fully loaded internally as well as externally but unfortunately being a concept phone the phone wouldn’t be available in large quantities, Ceramic being the main reason.
The phone has already created a riff when it came out along with Mi Note 2 at the Company’s launch event held in China. Xiaomi now has introduced a White variant which also comes with a ceramic body and would be available in China Later this Month whereas no confirmation has been given upon the release of the product at the Global level.
Xiaomi Mi TV 4
Xiaomi has been continuing to innovate and this time they have got a surprise package for everyone. They have introduced a stunningly Beautiful and a beautifully crafted TV which is 4.9MM thick i.e even thinner than Mi Mix and Also comes with Deep Learning Ai capability namely Patchwall baked into the Android OS of the TV and you can even get the features of Mi TV 4 into other Mi TV’s as well by Just changing the TV bar of your Old Mi TV.
The Soundbar comes integrated with Dolby Atmos with 10 speakers including 2 Upfiring speakers for a 3D sound experience, 2 Wireless Satellite speakers and a Subwoofer and a Motherboard integrated into the Soundbar, Modular TV design separates the TV display from the electronics, allowing you to quickly upgrade to get the latest features and functionality by simply swapping out your Mi TV Bar, Mi Port – single cable that connects Mi TV Bar to the display and carries all signals to and from the display for a cleaner look, Understated transparent stand makes Mi TV 4 look suspended in the air even without mounting on the wall.
The Tv as said is a beautifully crafted innovation which would be on sale in China later this year. It comes with 3 Display sizes 45-inch, 55-inch, 65-inch with all of them well under $2000.
Xiaomi Mi Router HD
Smart routers are one of Xiaomi’s core product categories designed in-house. They play an important part in our IoT strategy. Making sure that our users can build their own smart wireless networks and their own personal clouds.
They also announced the latest addition to the Mi Router family: Mi Router HD, a global-class wireless router with a slew of smart features to keep your smart home running smoothly. Check it:
– 4×4 multi-user MIMO router, supports up to 2600 Mbps transfer speeds
– 4 high-gain PCB array antennas
– Built-in surveillance-class hard drive of up to 8TB
– Automatically back up all your devices, supports Time Machine
– Automatically syncs with Dropbox
– Integrates with Sonos audio system
– Launching later Q1 in China in 2 versions, 1TB (under $200); 8TB (under $500)
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