Before you could start a website, one of the two things that you will need is web hosting. However, when it comes to purchasing web hosting, the price is quite high. But luckily, there are quite a lot of other companies are also available out there, which are extremely cheap. And in this article, I am going to mention some of the cheap hosting that you can buy in 2020. Besides this, we would also suggest you to check wpx review in this regard.
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Cheap Hosting that You can Buy in 2020
MilesWeb is one of the cheapest web hosting service provider offering top-notch features.
Web hosting is crucial as it is better to go with MilesWeb as they offer inexpensive services
you get all the necessary features and services available with them.MilesWeb offer standard and custom made hosting solutions for all types of websites and businesses. Also, they offer the speed and reliability you need at a price you can afford. They are extremely affordable and they are recommended by many good review sites.
Customer service is the backbone of their business and this is where they really strive hard to make a difference. They offer 99.95% Uptime and 30 Days Money back guarantee. They offer services in Tier 3 and Tier 4 data centres and also offers Free SSL Certificate, Free Website builder, PHP version and MySQL. It would be great if you select MilesWeb as your hosting choice as it is the best web hosting provider.
They offer cheap hosting services starting just at Rs.40/mo.
Hostinger is one of the most popular web hosting providers in the world. Their hosting plans are quite affordable, despite that, you will get all the required features in it.
Whether you want to start an online store or blog Hostinger has a hosting solution for all types of business. They offer shared, WordPress, VPS, cloud, and even windows hosting. All types of hosting options have unique features of space. So you can easily find the best hosting plan according to your requirement.
Their hosting plans starting at 59 rs/ month which is a very cheap price. Along with that, you will get a free domain and SSL with their hosting plans. If you’re WordPress users you’ll find lots of features that make it easy to create and manage a WordPress site.
You can also read Hostinger reviews to check their performance, speed, and coupon code. This will help you to find all the good and bad aspects of this hosting provider.
Blue Geek Hosting
First of all, I have the Blue Geek Hosting, and it is the cheapest web hosting company that you can use. The company has a bunch of affordable plans, and they are categorized under standard, advanced, and ultimate hosting. So you can easily pick a web hosting plan based on your requirements.
The company only offers you Linux based shared hosting, and you can get a web hosting plan for as low as Rs.25 a month. The company also offers you SSD hosting only and guarantees you 99.95 uptime. Along with that, it also offers you a free SSL certificate and takes weekly backups. Plus, you will be getting 30 days money-back guarantee policy.
VapourHost is another affordable web hosting company that you can look at. The company offers you SSD only hosting and takes daily backups. Also, according to the web hosting company they offer 3x faster speed than its competition.
Moreover, you will also be able to install WordPress or other web apps with just one click and offers you a free SSL certificate.
The cheapest plan of VapourHost costs you Rs.60/month, and it comes with 5GB of disk space and 50GB of monthly bandwidth. Along with that, the company also offers you 30 days of money-back guarantee.
Up next, I have the History. This is also one of the cheapest web hosting companies available out there. The web hosting company offers its services in Shared hosting, WordPress Hosting, and cloud servers. So you can choose a hosting type based on your needs.
Talking about the pricing, you can get a plan for Rs.99/month, and with this plan, you will be getting 10 GB of SSD disk space, unlimited data transfer, and email accounts. Also, it offers you a bunch of other features too, like unlimited database, Cpanel, FTP Access, 99.9$ uptime, Free SSL, Daily backups, and so on.
Royal Cloud
Royal Cloud is another cheapest hosting that you can buy in 2020. The cheapest plan starts at Rs.70/month. And with this one, you will be getting 2GB of disk space, 25GB of bandwidth, free SSL and 99.95 uptime guarantee.
Apart from this plan, there are a few other plans that are also available. Moreover, the company does not only offers shared web hosting. But you will also find reseller hosting and VPS hosting.
The hosting company is backed by the fastest NVME SSD servers and offers you an amazing speed. Plus, you will be able to install apps like WordPress with just one click.
Host Tripples
In the end, I have the Host Tripples. This web hosting company offers you two types of hosting, which are the Plesk and cPanel. And both of these types have different pricing. For example, you can get Plesk powered hosting for Rs.35/month while the cPanel hosting costs you Rs.84.50/month.
As well as the company offers you lots of cool features, which includes a free domain name, FTP access, option to switch between multiple PHP version and MySQL, Free SSL Certificate, Free Site Builder, and so on. Plus, you will be getting 30 days money-back guarantee.
My passion of providing Tech to Gadget lovers with the latest ups & downs happening in the World of Technology and innovation made this blog come true.