A guide to Minecraft Server

Like movies and novels, video games have devoted followers of fans who rely on them as a primary source of entertainment. Since the 1970s, when personal computers & mass-produced game consoles were introduced, the gaming culture has flourished. This means that there are currently more than 3.2 billion players globally or more than 40% of the world’s population. In 2021 alone, the gaming business will generate about $189.3 billion in revenue. Statista estimates that the global gaming market will grow to 268.8 billion US dollars per year by 2025, making it the largest.

In this article, we will talk about different minecraft servers available

What’s the deal with Minecraft?

Players can explore, construct, create, and mine inside a randomly generated environment with no pre-determined goals or objectives to complete. Players may travel and customize the virtual world at a whim in the game’s casual, wide-open environment. Windows,  Linux, Ios, and android are only some of the platforms on which the game may be played.

Survival, creative, & adventure modes are all readily accessible in Minecraft, making it a dynamic and endlessly re-playable experience.

Success Is Going to Keep on Going

And over half a million copies of the game had been sold due to its widespread appeal. In addition to biomes, villages, & Nether support, Beta 1.8 of the game was published on January 12, 2011, containing several much-anticipated additions. The game’s simplicity, versatility, accessibility, and independence led to 10 million accounts registered within six months of its introduction.

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November 18, 2011, marked the game’s transition from beta to full release.

Two weeks later, on December 22, the first significant update, called the Adventure Update, was made public. Achievement points, inventories, crafting systems, landscape tools, and hunger were all introduced in this edition.

Microsoft has purchased Minecraft

Mojang was purchased by Microsoft for $2.5 billion in September 2014, making Minecraft one of the world’s most powerful tech corporations. Two hundred thirty-eight million copies of the game have been sold across all platforms, making this one of the most successful games.

The Java Edition is the best-selling PC game ever, while the console variants have sold more than 140 million copies combined. As of May 2020, Minecraft has 126 million monthly active users, making it the second most played video game behind Roblox.

In both java & bedrock, the server’s IP address is the same: play.immortal.com. If you’re using the bedrock client to connect to the server, you’ll need to provide 19132 in the port box when adding the server to your list.

Interoperability between Bedrock and Java

Bedrock support for cross-play on our JVM servers means you and your buddies may play with no limits from any device, including your phone, Xbox, or pc.

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Cracked clients can use it, too!

Seeing as we don’t earn any money off of it, we chose to launch our servers to anyone without the financial means to purchase an original copy of the minecraft server. Since not everyone is born with a golden spoon, we understand if you feel left out if you can’t afford our servers.

1.18.2 is the current server version

We strive to keep our server updated to the current version of Minecraft as soon as possible to provide the best vanilla, survivor gameplay experience possible for our users.

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