5 Security Questions that need to be Answered by Every Organisation

Microsoft’s president Brad Smith said, “Either you address cybersecurity or else, watch it destroying you and getting worse”. He also conveyed sooner the European GDPR will show its effect, which signifies a global standard that encourages the users to protect the data and in case it was not followed then it will take the penalty as well. He added, “Without security, there’s no privacy”. All the work done is useless, it doesn’t matter how much effort, hard work you have put on, if someone steals the data then you don’t have any option to sit back then creating again from the beginning.

According to a report, less than 50% of IT industries are confident about their security level against cyber attack. It’s a well-known concept that an organisation should be started from the boardroom to the clinicians. The common threat data breaching because of insiders should be kept on the priority list. There’s a lot to learn about breaching, cyber attack, so to explore more about and prevent your organisation you can enrol in various certification courses such as Cyber Security certification. Through the course, you will be able to recognise the unauthorised access, attack and damage. Expert’s guidance will help you in spotting the vulnerabilities and respond in case of emergencies.

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Have you applied multi-factor authentication?

If yes, then what are the exceptions? How many people have the access to the data? Compromising the authentication factor can lead to a significant chance for the hacker. So, in case the hacker breaks the first authentication then it becomes useless without further authentication. Generally, we follow 2-F or 3-F authentication which includes password, trustable device and biometric. So, always implement the multi-factor authentication in the organisation.

What you are doing for the best practice and updating the system?

It is very important to keep the records of system updating and patching. But what is patching? Patching means mending the flaws in the program or an operating system. Patches resolve the specific bug, improves the stability of application or operating system and to fix the vulnerabilities. Apart from other updates, patches are also an essential part of preventive maintenance which is necessary for a stable, up-to-date system. Thus, update or patch your system often.

For example, Conficker worm(released in 2008) is one of the popular threat which almost infected 9 million systems and still infecting even after the release of the patch. The worm is spread by copying it in the other device or in other folders.

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How you handle the access?

What type of data is most likely to get hacked? Don’t get confused the most valuable thing will be hacked in fact, the data which is least in your list. To prevent your business you need to think like a criminal if you need. Also, you need to understand the limitation of system access, like who are those employees who get an access to the sites. And is it important for them to access that resource?

Have you prepared the list of whitelist application?

Always prepare a separate list of software applications, which are allowed to activate in the system. The aim of the whitelisting application is to secure the computer from harmful applications. Define the list which is allowed to download and install for the employees. What devices and applications are allowed to use in the private systems? Have you implemented “trusted applications only” model?

How often you monitor the devices used over the network?

How many times do you scan the assets for any type of threat or malware? Do you require advanced hardware to access the assets? By implementing a network management system you will be able to monitor the devices proactively such as switches, access points, devices with end-users even the detailed information about their activity. Also, you need to know about NAC, Network Access Control gives the control over end user by breaking the threat into three part i.e Identify, assign and enforce.

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Closure Words:

Cybersecurity is one of the important need of the time and the fundamental thing to develop and create a secure network. It requires deep technical knowledge along with business management strategy. Companies should not only implement the advanced technology but also need to make efforts towards the preventive measures. So that, no threat can stop them from achieving the success.

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