Which certification is best for machine learning?

Such specialization as machine learning engineers is becoming more and more popular. Companies are actively implementing or seeking to implement machine learning in their business, as well as to make it the main bet in the development of their business. Machine learning is used in many areas and the scope of its application is constantly expanding. Developers and companies are increasingly in need of highly qualified personnel, but the number of such people does not have time to cover the need of organizations for them, which creates a shortage of them, so companies are ready to lure them with high salaries and loyal working conditions.

There are two types of certificates when it comes to artificial intelligence. The first is a theoretical certification, which actually teaches how to create AI applications, and the other is strategic artificial intelligence applications in a business environment.

Theoretical certificates:

1. Stanford University, Coursera is an 11-week program and one of the most popular and respected courses on artificial intelligence. Andrew Ng (founder of Coursera and ex-Google Brain) was a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence education. It covers the basic principles of artificial intelligence and presents the MATLAB programming environment. Because of its popularity, it is widely known among industry professionals, and upon completion, there is an opportunity to get a certificate that will be added to your C. V. The course is free.

Registration is available at the link: https://online.stanford.edu/courses/cs229-machine-learning

2. Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree is a more career-oriented course for programmers who want to switch to machine learning, and this is reflected in its commitment to time. It takes 6 months to complete the work, after which a portfolio of projects will be ready, which can be shared with future employers, which cover several business use cases. This is perhaps more practical than the Coursera course, and therefore the certificate has more weight for future employers.

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Registration is available at the link: https://www.udacity.com/course/deep-learning-nanodegree–nd101

3. Machine Learning at Harvard University

This course teaches mainly component analysis, and also explains the most popular machine learning algorithms. The course talks about training data and also teaches how to use it correctly to identify potentially predictive relationships. During the course, they also teach various overtraining and special methods that allow you to avoid it.

The main advantages of this course are:

– Learning the basics of machine learning,

– Study of several relevant machine learning algorithms at once,

– Study of regularization and its main advantages.

The training courses are free and last for 8 weeks, absolutely anyone can study. Registration is available at the link: https://www.edx.org/course/data-science-machine-learning

4. Professional Certificate in Foundations Of Data Science

This course allows you to take a fresh look at the main problems of machine learning, and also considers ways to solve these problems. The program will also allow novice users to analyze a wide range of different data being studied. The course aims to make data science accessible to everyone.

The advantages of this course include:

– Training in a broader analytical forecast based on machine learning,

– Training in reasonable conclusions in the presence of incomplete information thanks to critical thinking,

– Interpretation of the obtained results with the help of real examples.

The price of this course is $267. The training period is 4 months. Registration is available at the link: https://www.edx.org/professional-certificate/berkeleyx-foundations-of-data-science

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Strategic applications of artificial intelligence:

1. AI CFTE in Finance is the first course of its kind, specially designed for professionals working in the financial services sector. In translation, the course brings together 23 industry experts who strive to give a complete understanding of how AI affects finance.

The introductory chapters give the firm an idea of artificial technologies and how they work, before delving into more practical applications in various areas, such as asset management and insurance. This is a course designed to raise awareness about AI before giving you the tools to make informed decisions with AI in mind. The course was developed jointly with Ngee Ann Polytechnic, a higher education institute in Singapore, and, consequently, the Certificate of completion of the course is accredited by SSG (Skills Future Singapore).

Registration is available at the link: https://courses.cfte.education/

2. MIT: artificial intelligence-the value for business strategy. MIT is once again collaborating with the e-learning platform GetSmarter to meet the growing demand among business professionals to understand what artificial intelligence is and how it will affect business. The course is practically focused and follows a scheme similar to the MIT Fintech certificate, in which students first get an introduction to this subject, and then a capstone project to apply their skills. Upon completion, a Certificate of completion from MIT is issued.

Registration is available at the link: https://registrar.mit.edu/registration-academics

3. Certificate in Machine Learning

This program consists of several online courses at once. During the classes, all the key aspects of machine learning are considered, as well as the basics of machine learning algorithms. During the training sessions, open-source tools are used, as well as key skills are developed, which in the future allow us to offer more accurate solutions for performing certain tasks and solving the necessary business needs. The main advantages of this course include:

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– Use of advanced machine learning applications in the learning process,

– Study of supervised and unsupervised learning models, as well as understanding their main problems and advantages,

– The study of such a thing as source data. Analysis, preparation, receipt of this information, as well as the correctness of working with this array of information.

You can register using this link: https://www.pce.uw.edu/certificates/machine-learning. The cost of training is $4548, the duration of the course varies depending on the understanding of the material, as well as the initial skills.

Other popular courses will allow you to master this profession and understand the basics of machine learning. The main thing is to have a desire to learn it and understand all its prospects. This direction is very popular with employers, which will allow you to earn decent money and not have problems in finding a job.

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