Using YouTube as a Source of Motivation for your Next Endeavor!


What motivates you? What makes you outdo yourself in your line of endeavors? What makes you want to excel each and every time? These are rather philosophical questions, and the answer may never really be similar for any two people.

However, I see a recurring phenomenon that seems intriguing to someone a little less tech savvy in today’s world – people like myself… but let’s give this a go.


How Does YouTube Motivates Us?

That popular phenomenon is religiously following bloggers and certain YouTube channels, be it motivational speakers, DIY stuff, makeup tutorials, nutrition and workout plans, or music inspirations. What is there that you can’t find on YouTube today? Several of us now have our own personal YouTube channels. Of course, these privileges are more accessible and effective if you have some of the best Spectrum Bundle Deals for home, with the help of which, it’s infinitely easier to download videos, upload them and explore the world of YouTube.

It’s safe to say that as humans, we’re constantly on the lookout for something to inspire us to achieve, accomplish and conquer… preferably someone along the same road to tell us that it’s okay to have to deal with setbacks, and how important it is to keep at it no matter what. A little detailed advice from a pro never hurts! Let’s say you’re a rookie at the gym, but you’re really excited to lose some inches and become leaner. In order to safely and most efficiently do so, fitness coaches and instructors on YouTube will explain to you how and what your carefully regimented program should be to stay healthy, become fitter and not just thinner, and how important it is to not starve yourself.

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YouTube for Fitness Freaks

Now, if you have a fitness ideal that you follow on YouTube, your life just got a whole lot easier. Just go to YouTube, from your phone, desktop, tablet, laptop or smart TV – the list goes on and on – and watch a couple of videos every day, understand what the person is telling you, and carefully follow these programs and tips, and see how it makes a difference!

Instead of going to the bookshop or buying loads of nutritional books or DVD’s, just follow these V-loggers – as they like to call themselves – and watch a video anywhere, in the car when going somewhere, at the gym to directly follow exercise instructions, at home when you have time to kill, or sitting in a coffee shop alone… or when you’re on a really disappointing date. You can download your favorite videos by using the best YouTube downloader and watch them whenever you like without the need of internet.


YouTube for Music lovers

If you’re new at learning guitar and wish to learn to play and tune your guitar as Jimmy Page, just go and search for a guitar teacher on YouTube and follow the videos they post regularly, hold a guitar and just start playing! The one thing I enjoy about such inspirations is that they’re never really just impersonal. There always seems to be this human connection, which in itself is quite motivating.

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These Vloggers will always tell you what it means to them to have followers, and personally ask the followers to ask questions, or even ask them to suggest what the next video should be about. Instead of following books or other plans to learn something, this new and fast growing alternate seems more interesting, easier, and perhaps more effective!


YouTube for Artists

I also see artists and painters teaching how to sketch, the basic techniques, and following these themselves on video to help the viewer understand and learn better. What could be better than a virtual teacher there any time of the day for you, and that too, for FREE! YouTube is also useful for artist to make money.!

Get the best internet plans for home to have consistent access to fast internet (and in order to not pay millions if you are addicted to YouTube) and enjoy this productive activity. If you follow these talented individuals and actually feel this to add up to your motivation, you are in for a pleasant surprise – and someone to thank for your gradual success in whatever it is you’re working hard for.


Final Words

Service providers such as Spectrum Internet Provider introduce some of the best internet plans for home by Charter Spectrum. Try Charter internet packages if you want to surf YouTube endlessly, along with all other forums that you enjoy using. Enjoy internet speed up to 300 Mbps by Charter Spectrum – your videos will never be stuck to buffer in the middle ever again! Charter Spectrum internet comes at reasonable prices, no hidden charges and a free anti-virus facility. You’ll also get a free internet modem if you purchase internet services from Charter. We have no contracts required, and no hidden charges. We also strive to provide our clients the best of everything, along with excellent internet service and round the clock support.

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