The Future of Technology in the Automotive Industry

Cars are becoming more than a means of getting from one point to another. Automotive manufacturers are working closely with technology firms to produce cars with enhanced safety, comfort, and technological features. Automobiles are becoming smart machines that can control themselves thanks to top-notch emergency braking capabilities and have become highly efficient in fuel consumption. The automotive industry has also seen the development of mapping technology that has made autonomous driving a reality for ride-sharing services. Cars have also become great entertainment units, making commuting a more enjoyable experience with less hassle.

Below are some of the cutting-edge innovations to look out for in the automotive industry:

Autonomous driving technology

The discussion on self-driving cars has been going on for some time now and some auto-makers have been testing their autonomous cars on open roads. However, the wide adoption of autonomous cars is still to be achieved. The encouraging thing is that most cars already have semi-autonomous features thanks to the driver-assisted capabilities such as self -parking capabilities, automatic brake systems, adaptive cruise control, mapping technology to monitor blind spots, front and rear cameras, and motorway lane sensors. Some of those features, like cameras, GPS systems, Wi-Fi, and others can even be installed in vehicles by experts like EyeRide, and you can reach them at

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The release of the self-driving pod Waymo by Google and the Local Motor’s fully-autonomous car shows that the realization of the autonomous car dream is nearer than ever before. Ford is also looking forward to releasing its self-driving car by 2021.

Extra fuel-efficient cars

The automaker Tesla has been a leader in producing fuel-efficient cars with the release of both hybrid and electric cars that can cover hundreds of miles with just a single charge. More and more manufacturers are expected to incorporate electric vehicle technology in their production line, thus releasing many electric vehicles on the market considering that in 2016 over two million electric cars were sold. VW and General Motors have, in the recent past, unveiled electric cars as part of their fleet and Volvo indicated that all of the engines they will produce will come with an electric motor from 2019 onwards. It is also becoming increasingly affordable to buy electric cars with automakers like Hyundai, Toyota, and KIA hybrid cars going for less than $30,000. This implies that fuel efficiency could soon be embraced globally. By 2030, in the USA, 20 to 25% of cars sold are anticipated to be electric while in China it is expected that they will be at 35%.

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Predictive vehicle technology

The driving experience is becoming more and more personalized thanks to predictive vehicle technology made possible by artificial intelligence and machine learning. Most car manufacturers are relying on data to apply algorithms to automate the vehicle setup process, for example, the infotainment system as well as its application preferences. It is no wonder that vehicles have turned into IoT devices that can communicate with gadgets like smartphones and accept voice commands to change the user’s interface.

Another application of predictive technology is in the form of sensors in the vehicle that alert the owner of the vehicle’s need for a mechanic’s service or not. The technology considers your vehicle’s mileage and condition and estimates its performance, makes an appointment in real-time, and makes the user aware of hazards associated with a malfunctioning vehicle.


Big tech companies are partnering with automotive manufacturers to transform the whole car usage experience. The production of electric and hybrid vehicles is helping to save on fuel and reduce carbon emissions. Driverless car technology is going to reduce accidents due to human error and fatigue and free up more time for commuters to study or rest while travelling. Predictive technology is helping to customize vehicles for a better commuting experience and to ensure timely servicing of vehicles to avoid high costs or accidents due to missed vehicle servicing. There will also be more innovations that will alter the automotive industry.

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