Get the best backlinks and increase the traffic instantly


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In this age of digital marketing, websites are in constant competition for more traffic than their rivals. More people now search online for services they need or products they wish to buy. Thus, companies want to appear first on SERPs as over 25% of users click on the first result they’ve found. Backlinks help search engines discover new webpages and rank them accordingly. How to define backlinks or inbound links? They are hyperlinks on other websites that link back to your domain. These links represent other websites’ traffic diverting to your platform. These incoming links are “votes of confidence” your site receives from the digital community. Let’s see how they work.

How do backlinks work?

You’ve probably heard of Google‘s E-A-T- score. Here the acronym “eat” stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Search engines function as a democracy. If a website has many inbound links, search engines assume that this website is accurate and reliable. Thus, that website gains better E-A-T- scores, and it ranks higher in search result rankings. You can consider a backlink to an “expert testimonial.”

Now let’s discuss the benefits of getting backlinks.

Importance of backlinks

  1. Referral traffic:- Backlinks brings unpaid/organic traffic to your website. When people find a hyperlink to your website and click it, they become a part of your referral traffic. A single link by a well-established domain ensures continuous referral traffic for many years.
  2. Brand authority:- By increasing your domain’s credibility, backlinks strengthen your brand’s authority. These links show that your site is educational and beneficial to customers. Consumers take an active interest in services, and you create your mark as a trustworthy company.
  3. Vital networking:- When you approach other sites for the sake of link-building, you build strong relationships. These connections help your brand grow. This outreach helps you create long-lasting associations with other bloggers, influencers, and SEO experts.
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Getting the best backlinks

You can identify all inbound links and detect incoming links your competitors are using through various tools and apps. You can utilize the tool to check links and purge the poor-quality ones. Such an investigation allows you to build your unique backlink strategy. Here are some methods for getting the best backlinks and immediately increase your backlinks. But let’s talk about why the quality of links is more important than their quantity.

Backlinks are endorsements of your site’s reliability. They help search engines determine your site’s worth and position. In the past, search engines judged a page’s popularity by the sheer quantity of backlinks. Now, Google‘s Penguin update distinguishes between high-quality and low-quality inbound links. Low-quality hyperlinks come from suspicious websites, and they’re toxic for your website’s ranking. So, here are some ways to get high-quality links your company can implement right now.

Become self-sufficient

There’s no harm in linking back to your website. That’s how you can distribute the “link juice” evenly within your domain. Your posts become interlinked, and you can use this method to revitalize your older posts. If you have some inventive data nobody else possesses, you can do an original study and create something unique. Such a creation is more likely to be shared by people. Your webpage will become a valuable resource for data-hunters and fact-maniacs.

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Content brings backlinks

Content dominates the digital marketing world in the 21st century. Marketers should create content that is interesting, engaging, and interactive. Interactive content allows the participation of customers, such as games, puzzles, and surveys. You must realize that you’re now making posts for the sake of humans and not bots. Make blogs/articles that are readable and easy to share. That’s how you can convince other domains to link back to your website.

Add images, videos, charts, graphs, and other widgets to make your posts more likable. With excellent content, your domain will earn the reputation of a reliable source. Another content-related method is to find broken links with a 404 error code. Then contact their webmasters and offer to repair these links. Then you can add a link to your website in exchange for this service. Google Chrome‘s extension Check My List can help you discover such broken links.

The power of social channels

Link-building isn’t easy; 65% of marketers call it the most challenging component of their SEO strategies. Some people try to write lengthier articles to get enough backlinks. Research shows that posts containing 3,000+ words receive more backlinks. There’s no need to update every single digital platform you use. Choose two/three social channels you are confident about and then update them regularly. Try to align the information you’re giving on all these different channels. This method is simple but quite effective.

Leverage your networks

Networking is vital because it lets you generate backlinks for your website. You can produce guest posts, including blogs and articles, if your network is strong and dependable. Another method is to interview someone or get interviewed by a well-established online institution. You can search for roundups on the internet. By contacting the webmasters, you can seek entrance into these roundups. By sharing your expertise, you can hope to generate some backlinks this way.

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Another method is to write testimonials for other companies. This technique works quite well for your SEO strategy. Some companies allow writers a spot for hyperlinks if they’re willing to write down testimonials. Blog posts have comment sections you can leverage in your favor. But this strategy requires subtlety and professionalism. Your networks also bring you opportunities to join online seminars. Podcasts also provide ample space to earn worthy hyperlinks.

Rely on your expertise

You need to self-promote your content if you wish to earn more and better backlinks. But that’s not enough! Specific tools let you conduct your research regarding inbound links. Now, as we’ve explained above, bad-quality links are toxic for a website. So, you can use a backlink auditor to find all harmful websites that are linking back to you. Then you can contact the webmasters to remove their hyperlinks.


Link-building is an essential component of a company’s marketing strategy. Getting backlinks is like acquiring social proof of being reliable and informative. In 2016, Google‘s senior strategist Lipattsev named his firm’s two crucial ranking factors. They were the content on your website and links pointing back to it. A larger number of positive backlinks contribute to your domain, earning a higher ranking. Unfortunately, most internet pages don’t even have a single backlink to vouch for their authenticity. If you wish to bolster your traffic instantly, you need to polish your SEO strategy via more backlinks. These incoming links ensure a decent source of web traffic to your website.


1 thought on “Get the best backlinks and increase the traffic instantly”

  1. Thanks for sharing the informative blog on SEO, Techlustt is one of the best site, very useful for upcoming content writer or blogger. Once again thanks lot!
    Please keep on sharing some more useful tips.



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