Five Ways To Increase Your Home Network’s Security

Keeping your home network secure isn’t always easy. Sometimes it requires a bit more than a strong password and firewall to keep your family safe online. Most of us probably just go about connecting multiple devices to a router and setting it up then promptly forgetting about it. This can unfortunately create many security problems down the line. Without robust security solutions in place, hackers can infiltrate and remotely control your devices on your home network. If you notice an abundance of traffic or mysterious programs being installed/uninstalled, then it’s time to take a deeper look into your preventative security measures. Thankfully, there are several ways to attenuate this problem without causing any headaches or undue stress for yourself. Here are a few ways to enhance the security of your home network easily and with minimal installation or hassle.

Update Your Operating System

The myriad benefits and extreme importance of keeping your operating system updated cannot be understated. So, why exactly is keeping your operating system up to date so important? Software updates aren’t merely a new version of the program or software. They’re a revised version that repairs security holes or vulnerabilities. They eliminate bugs or add new features. Updates and patches offer some defense against malware, especially since hackers can take advantage of security flaws to write malicious code into your existing software. This kind of exploit can compromise your data and possibly provide a means for a hacker to gain control of your system. Updated programs also work much faster, so you’re getting the best of both worlds here: smooth, blazing-fast programs (or operating systems) and fewer security threats to worry about as you shop, work, interact, and play online.

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Strengthen Your Wi-Fi And Other Passwords

Wi-Fi is a truly amazing thing. The sheer convenience of wireless applications and the way the technology can be used are phenomenal. It’s also vulnerable if you don’t take the right precautions. Start by renaming your default wi-fi to something else. Make it unique. Changing the name helps by confusing potential attackers. They’ll have a tougher time knowing what kind of router you have, so they can’t exploit any vulnerabilities they might be aware of based on the router’s model and info from its original Service Set Identifier name (SSID). The new SSID should be something unique and not personal. It won’t guarantee full protection, but it can at least prevent it to a degree, which matters significantly. It’s also wise to change the default password to something complicated and more secure. Consider using a mix of capital and lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers or a passphrase with at least 20 characters. Change your default IP address on your router as well. Less tech-savvy users may not realize they can change the router’s IP address. It’s a fairly straightforward process. All you have to do is connect to your router as the administrator. This typically involves knowing the router’s IP address, password, and username. Then you need to connect to the router via a web browser to manually change the information.

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Install Antivirus Software

Viruses, malware, and ransomware are all deleterious entities that can cause significant, often irreparable harm to your system. An antivirus is adept at protecting you from viruses, malware, spam, Trojans, and worms. Antivirus programs prevent viruses from infiltrating your system and are extremely useful from a practical perspective. Why not go the extra mile and use an antivirus for basic protection? When combined with more robust network security, firewall, and other protection/prevention techniques, an antivirus program can truly shine

Install A Home Network Security Device/Solution

The best way to add an additional layer of security to your home network is to use a comprehensive home network security device or software solution that can handle all of your network security needs. It’ll scan the traffic coming in and out of your router, stopping most potential threats from coming through. Aside from this feature, it protects you from malware, web threats, and dangerous files while providing more control over your devices. These include voice control, family protection, content filters, time limits, and the ability to disconnect suspicious devices attempting to connect to your network. Since most houses have smart devices and vast interconnectivity, it only makes sense to secure things with a comprehensive solution. And at the end of the day, that’s precisely what a decent network security device can do.

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Use Network Encryption

Another quick security method to use on top of a network security device/solution is to take advantage of network encryption. Encrypting your data can significantly increase your safety online. While it isn’t as effective on public wi-fi networks, you can take plenty of control over your privacy. You’ve undoubtedly seen the letters HTTP and HTTPS in front of web URLs in the past. This protocol actually tells you whether or not you’re connecting securely to a website. Look for HTTPS, as it means the website is secure. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a safe site (after all, scammers know how to use encryption, too) but it’s a good way to determine if the site is safe to visit. Another way to encrypt web traffic is through a virtual private network (VPN). Some browsers offer VPNs, but they’re also available as standalone products and as part of a large security suite. Finally, using mobile data while on a smart device is a good way to go because it’s typically encrypted by default. Wi-fi isn’t foolproof and is susceptible to attacks, so always take care to ensure you’re protected online.

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